Clearwater 9′ 5wt. 4 piece Rod, Clearwater Reel, matching Orvis Flyline, backing with leader, with rod/reel case.

Clearwater 9′ 5wt. 4 piece Rod, Clearwater Reel, matching Orvis Flyline, backing with leader, with rod/reel case.

Winning Bid: $225.00

Item condition: New

Auction finished


Orvis Clearwater Outfit, includes a Clearwater 9’ 5wt. 4 piece Rod, Clearwater
Reel, matching Orvis Flyline, backing with leader, with rod/reel case. This
Clear Water outfit is flexible and will cover most of your fly fishing needs.

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: Tom Hoffmaster

Date Bid User Auto
July 9, 2022 1:53 pm$225.00Tom Hoffmaster
July 1, 2022 12:01 amAuction started